At Cross Bridge we hope that every regular attender will do three things. First, make weekend worship a regular priority. When you cannot make it in person, we offer online engagement so that you can stay connected. Second, we hope that everyone finds a place to serve that is life-giving. And third, we hope that each person will look for ways to meaningfully connect on a regular basis with other believers for spiritual growth and community.


Now, connecting at Cross Bridge Church can look differently than just a traditional Sunday School Class. We do have one class that meets on Sundays with Sunday School material, and it's pretty awesome. But there are many other ways to connect. You can make friends in a Social Circle while gathering around a hobby, shared interest or cause. You can get resourced with Tools for Life in various gatherings that focus on tackling life's challenges. You can grow as a Christ-follower and the knowledge of your identity in Christ by taking advantage of Learning Opportunities. And you can do life with others in a Life Group


Each season offers a fresh menu of gatherings and classes that are open to all.  Different seasons will provide different opportunities. If you have something specific in mind, you can click here and share your idea for a new Social Circle, Learning Opportunity, or Life Group.

Are you ready to get connected but would like some help finding the right group? We'd love to help with that! The Journey is a great place to start - you can register here!

Social Spaces

We love gathering around common interests and causes! These gatherings are meant to build relationships, invite friends, have fun, and have a lower level of continued commitment.


Learning Opportunities

Learning Opportunities opportunities have a fixed time frame and provide topically specific information and life tools. The commitments begin with wanting to learn, but often friendships happen along the way.

Tools for Life

These fixed-time-frame classes are focused on specific areas of need and have high confidentiality and trust. They address healing and restoration for many of life's challenges. The themes addressed include navigating divorce, breaking addictions and healing hurts, coping with grief, and weight loss.


Life Groups


A Life Group meets regularly, has a higher commitment level, much higher trust, and enjoys shared decision-making. They do life together, and often serve together, pray for one another, and celebrate each other.