11th Florida District Advance
April 19-20, 2024
4777 Lakeland Highlands Rd., Lakeland, FL 33813
Friday, April 19, 2024 9:00 AM
Saturday, April 20, 2024 Ordination 4:00 PM
Our District Advance is NOT just for Delegates. If you can attend, you won't be disappointed. Our entire Florda Nazarene family will be coming together to celebrate what God is doing on our District through the body of believers. As a guest (someone who is not an elected delegate from one of our churches who is there to represent the church with a vote) you do not need to "register," but you need to order meals and register children for any on-site care if you plan to be there during that time.
Students, you will want to attend Saturday as a part of this year's "Youth Advance" emphasis with LaMorris Crawford and an opportunity to connect with other students from across the district.
Prepare to stay through the entirety of District Advance which includes the Ordination Service. Why? Because one of our very own is being ordained. Please attend and show your support for Pastor Wade Stockton!!
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